Punkt.: Translate the responsible technology brand purpose into a commercially viable product

Punkt is a Swiss, design-led electronics company. It asked and jump to investigate opportunities for the next generation of the successful MP 01 dumbphone, designed by Jasper Morrison.

We investigated market and cultural trends, insights, and data to find unique strategic directions to fuel product innovation, show the brand's unique philosophy and design sensibility, and gain a foothold in the telecommunications sector.


Trends analysis
Future crafting
New Product Development (NPD)
Innovation strategy
Strategic consultancy

“This is fantastic. It gives us a clear path forward to deliver on our purpose and design a product for mindful communication.”

— Petter Neby, CEO at Punkt.

What it means to be human? 

“Teenagers are more likely to be single, lonely and addicted to their iPhones. So what are they doing with all that time? They are on their phone, in their room, alone and often distressed. ”

Have Smartphones destroyed a generation? The Atlantic. September 2017


the MP 02

Punkt had established a strong foothold with its first dumb phone, the MP 01. It wanted to build on the momentum and drive growth.

We started by examining market and cultural trends, such as what makes a customer buy a dumbphone. Next, we used the MP 01 and the Technology Tamed brand platform as springboards to identify ways to differentiate, create new value, and deliver an elegant design solution that connected with audiences.

Fueled with insight, we reviewed the product experience, collecting requirements and prioritising them based on potential value creation.

These internal and external views gave a solid understanding of what worked and how the product needed to evolve.

Identify opportunities to differentiate

Jump one

Image: Yanko design

Jump two

We harnessed the intelligence gathered and assessed future forces to develop strategic directions, create a long-term vision and translate insight into principles and requirements.

These directions gave us new audiences and ways to reimagine product usage: what does comfortably connected look like in the 21st Century? How could Punkt deliver privacy?

We had workshops with the business, partners and industrial design product teams to inspire, guide and input into the new direction.

Identify strategic directions

Image: Punkt

Jump three

We synthesised and translated our findings into a playbook with strategic actions and watch-outs for the business. It became a reference point for internal teams and partners as they moved into product development.

The MP 02 launched at the London Design Festival in 2018.

New colour additions have since been added.

Develop a playbook

What we learnt

“Hardware is a hard business. You want to be sure what you've built will work.”

—  Melissa Clark, Co-founder


Unique strategic product directions


New product, MP 02, launched at London Design Festival


The work provided the launchpad for future endeavors

Let’s start something special

and jump has helped businesses of all shapes and sizes grow — from small innovations to big bangs.

Whatever your needs, we are here to help. Change doesn't have to be scary. Let’s jump!